Cyber Physical Systems Laboratory (CPSL)

Cyber Physical Systems Laboratory (CPSL)

The mission of Cyber Physical Systems Laboratory (ECL) is to design and implement smart system software and middleware to enable near-real-time distributed computing in the next generation Internet-of-Everything (IoE) operating in the Big-Squared-Data space. Examples of such IoEs include connected ecosystems of Self-Driving Vehicles, Smart Grids in electric power distribution systems, and real-time Data Analytics applications. We also focus on co-designing innovative system architectures with system and application software, and on vertically integrating mobile real-time embedded platforms with Fog and Cloud computing. Of particular interest to us are the development of algorithms for real-time and near-real-time scheduling, and implementing database management systems for Big Data.

Lead Faculty: Ari Mukherjee

Collaborators: Chen Chen (ECE) and Srinivas Pulugurtha (CEE)

Location: EPIC 2128